Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Two Things you may find INTERESTING o( ^_^ )o

University of Western Australia Discussion Boards

School Matters Magazine (by the WA Department of Education)

This new edition of School Matters talks about technology in teaching ^_^ ! There are many issues related to what we are talking about in our ICT workshops this semester; for instance, How technology is changing our classroom, Managing social networking, the technology tide/boom in classrooms, etc. It also has a definition list of the KEY Tech terms, like Blogs, E-book, Moodle and Wiki.

I thought this is a pretty good edition - something you can relate to when reading :) So if you haven't got your hands on a hard printed copy (it goes around in the GSE building), check it out online \(^o^)/



  1. Yes, it's a very relevant issue of School Matters. Well spotted!

  2. Btw, it's interesting that Erin mentioned (and even quoted from) this issue in her talk this week - making your posting doubly relevant!!

  3. ^_^ Thanks, Mark! Yeah, I saw the issue accidentally and I was like "wow, this is totally so relevant to us!" and PS: There's an article about Perth Modern School - which was my high school :)

  4. Perth Modern is also my nieces' school. She is on a music tour in Europe at the moment with 139 others. According to her Facebook they are in Budapest now. Did you go to the concert on April 9th at the Perth Concert Hall for their Centenary? They had some international musicians. Was a excellent night, exceptional talent.

  5. That edition had some very interesting articles, thanks. :)

    The 'Sound advice' article in particular caught my attention because so many people listen to music through headphones these days. Not to mention that if public transport is any indication, most listeners have the volume up far too loud for ear bud style headphones! I wonder how many school students have stopped to think that loud noises could cause permanent damage to their hearing?

  6. @Purple Alien: nope, I didn't go to the Centenary. I was not quite aware of that :) The school does produce some excellent musicians - some of my classmates got the music scholarship at UWA when we graduated.
    @Tilly: Yes, some people have their music really loud and I find that annoying - very annoying sometimes, especially if in a quiet library. I think my hearing is too good :) and these people are damaging their own hearing!
